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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Love Life

I've broken heart and have had my heart broken , looking back on life there are things I wish I changed . Don't compair yourself to others , I've not put much in my blog lately , because not lot has changed and I've not really had much to talk about.   I've not been there for some people .   Most cases it's distance etc , I've very few best friends and I've seen how if someone is there , at a time of need you can eventually become more, Meeting some of the most interesting people, it Gives me some hope for humanity .  Life's not gonna be easy we don't know our future , we can't be makeing assumptions .  When it comes to a matter of the heart and soul .  I don't know what the future holds.  listening to feeling or you head say look they are better then you , your not gonna end up there .  Something had changed  &  Will you loose yourself in order to be found .   There is always someone out there for you & it may be in the most unlikely places , Love Life  you only got one shot at it .

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Rise From The Ashes

There is choices we make paths we must walk . I know this one well and it will cause hurt and pain.. 

 we all have to follow our feelings and overcome our mind , the mind is a powerful thing , then we have EGO , it the one thing I truely hate about humanity , our ego. The ego is the part of you which feeds off the" I's"  and the "Me's"  we all use it , I am using it now and I don't like it . Can you see " I " .  Example is I've more money then you , my house is bigger then yours , Ive so many friends you have none .  
what is mine is "my" , I have this I have that I am this I am that , this is me . This is all part of the ego .

The ego causes pain and wars and hate , your not the same as me so I have to stop your believes we can't stop our ego but we can acknowledge it & when we do this it gets weaker because we know this is why I'm gonna fight why I'm gonna say what I should not say. 

This subject I know first hand as I nearly lost someone who I really care abouth or so I tought. 

 I had a very Jelious streak , yet I was just letting my Ego loose and I'm no Genuius on the Ego subject , the ego is a sneaky creature , it always finds away to make it's  way out . 
 if we the people of this world just stopped and tought before , blurting out the wrong stuff and letting ego out , we would be a lot happier , the one pice of advice I will give here is be aware of your ego & think long and hard before having a reaction "Rise from thr ashes "

This part is called rise from the ashes , from the story of the Phoenix of Greek mythology . It's rebirth meaning my own personal views is , when times are hard we will crash and burn but we will also rise from the ashes a new and better person , pain is temporary, follow you heart and feeling and you will rise from the ashes


What is faith really ?   I've been saying it years and it's kept me alive , but do we really know what it is ? Is it having faith in a God or Gods ?  I personally think it's have faith in yourself that you will get through stuff with faith and hope .

   Life's not an easy task to behold and there are days I've had no faith.  When such bad things happen to good people , Then Good things happen to bad people .  Sometimes I loose faith like a lot of people do , we blame God for all our problems , The truth is if there is a God or Gods which I've faith there is , he or she is not responsible , For our good and our bad . 

 I think the Gods just leave us to our own devices , we are here and we live our life with all the Good and Bad.  

What I'm trying to say here is don't loose faith in yourself even at the bad times , it makes us stronger 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Do what thou Wilt is The whole of The Law

Before you get all irritated , I'm not preaching Thelma .  Do what thou wilt in my view is do what you will, say what you like as long as your a bit respectable .  Today I was thinking the law in most country's is freedom of speach , but here is something I've experienced , I've been speaking my mind a long time and eveything I do it always gets shut down , I've even had one of my Facebook pages banned because I spoke out about something.   
Apparently we have freedom of speech , yet what dose that mean ? ........ 
If you can't have your own opinion others will try there very best to shut you down , for example, if you leave the church of scientology , and you say someting regarding them your whole life is affected , I know very little about Scientology all I know is the horror story's I've read . Anyone who speaks up about it strangely they are put on a silence and there work social and everyday life is affected ............ So much for freedom of speach .   

 Eveyone deserves to know what they get into . 

An other example is the national rifle association , a few years ago i got banned for having something to say about them.  

 it's scary how much power company's have over our lives & our freedom of speach. 
 Sadly I can't say much here because I know I will hit a few nerves if I do.  I wrote this for one reason and one reason .  If you read this and can understand my bad grammar ,do yourself a favorite and if you have a voice use it .

it's your right the you are not part of the collective , your you an individual so Do what Thou wilt ....

Monday, October 7, 2013

Heroes ?

I see it all over TV & Social media , your my hereo for bring famious cuz I'm not or your a hero because your a tv host , it's all bullshit , there is very few Heros in this world , it makes me ill that the true heroes are the ones who never get notist .  I mean some people refere to Kim kardasian as a hero because she's some rich bitch , who's life is so fucking hard when she brakes a nail , it Makes me sick , that the True heroes are the ones fighting the wars , the ones who die in The name of there country.. The ones who stand up for  what's right , the ones who don't ask to be heroes the doctor who save your life, the person who helps an old lady across the road , these are the true Heroes , not some Hollywood made up story.  a hero is survivor who helps others get through hard times , a hero is Not some mega star on a TV show or movie , the True hero is you 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Legion of Me

A bit about me & Empathy

Why did I chose the name Legion ? well because I believe one and many .

And He (Jesus) asked him (the man), "What is thy name?" And he answered, saying, "My name is Legion: for we are many."
Don't Worry thats all I will Say of the bible here , I did say this would be My views my way my blog .
 This being my first blog entry , Im not really sure what I will put here so I will just keep writing . first of all thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to even read this . lets get a few things straight , Im not here to promote anything , its simply my first time to have a crack at this .  a bit about me , My Favourite subject just joking,  I've been a Practicing Pagan for over 12 years , I was originally born in to a catholic family but I did not like how Catholic or Christian Faiths try enforce believes on us , People should have a right to believe what they like & Thats what Im all about , I say Im pagan but being honest Ive tried all various religious believes , I Love Buddhist believes, and teachings .
 I would do anything to find true enlightenment , This Blog Will be my Journal on the various Paths I will take , I'm a solo Paranormal Investigator  , I do plan on eventually setting up a team or joining one if they will let me.  I'm an empath & if you don't believe in this don't bother reading my blog because it will just feel like fantasy to you closed minded people.   I've been an empath all my life yet its been getting stronger per year & some people say empathy is a gift.  its both a gift and a Curse because if you don't put up a block , you will be overwhelmed by various emotional feeling , This can lead you to suicidal  thoughts , Im blessed in a way I have a very strong spirit guide . He has helped me get through it.  I was on the edge quite literally , I was gonna end it all & its not a nice place to be . No one can understand what it is like to have such Feeling , your are not in full control of yourself its like a demon inside you saying your worthless end it no one cares about you .

This Mind is a powerful thing you will be lead to believe you are nothing you are worthless . We only have one Life & it may not be the greatest in the world but its yours alone , If you do have such thoughts don't keep it to yourself share it with a friend a family member or doctor , I know what its like to Just want to end it all & being empathic its even harder because, you can have feeling and emotions that you think are your own.

 I discovered this when i bought some Crystals and started using them i was down and they made me worst  but it was a mistake of my own i did not cleanse the crystals I was feeling all the other emotional feeling that others felt when they handled these same crystals , It was a Lesson i learned . Ive also get emotional feeling off objects places and people , when I touch a rock or a tree or even place my hands on a building I can feel so much form it , Like a vision of the past people who were this , this is also a very scary feeling , to visualise events like a dream in you head as you touch object.

When this first happened me i was 8 years old & it was a scary feeling to see what i seen , I eventually learned that before I touch various objects to put up a block & learn its not Present but past events .

We all as humans have powers of our mind everyone last one of us can enhance out psychic abilities we all have it , not a lot of us are attuned to it , Most of us block it out the world is full of close minded people , We Fear what we don't understand , we only use a small part of our brain but the brain is so much more , some people may never use there abilities , but sometimes if you get a gut feeling about a place,thing or even a person, its your subconscious mind warning you & 90% of the time its right . follow your feeling, .
I may mention some of Aleister Crowley's works here first of all before you think i'm follower of his path i can assure you i am not.  He did open a few doors for me but I am in no way a believer of his system,   I don't practice his craft but i will not judge other if they do , Crowley say some things i  Strongly agree wit, "Do what Thou Wilt is the whole or the law "  was one and he Also said do not charge someone money if they wish to learn magick or anything from you . Anyone who will charge you money so you can learn magick from them is simply manipulating you. Help others as they help you 

 Magick is free to learn, and anyone can do it people will be willing to show you if you ask.  I don't practice much Magick I do various rituals on the Sabbaths and may do spells here and there but not all the time. I can help if anyone wants but I'm no genius on the subject, I  am to on a learning path & still am Im still not sure where I'm going or what I'm doing .